Primary Health Network customised Census 2021 data

Primary Health Networks (PHNs) are organisations that deliver health services across a defined geographic area (a PHN area). There are 31 PHNs within Australia.

Customised Census 2021 General Community Profiles have been derived using the Department of Health and Aged Care Statistical Area Level 2 concordance file and are available for download via the links below for each of the 31 PHN areas.

All data are sourced from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), Census of Population and Housing, 2021. PHN land area’s are taken from the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.

Further detailed Census 2021 data can be obtained directly from the ABS TableBuilder product, available on the ABS website.

Please note: As of January 2022, Norfolk Island was included in Brisbane North PHN. This profile includes Norfolk Island in Brisbane North PHN as opposed to Central and Eastern Sydney PHN. Data may differ to results obtained via the ABS TableBuilder product.

State and Territory ‘Migratory - Offshore - Shipping’ and ‘No usual address’ regions have been excluded from all PHN areas, including Tasmania, Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory.